Beach incove.
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Sleep is healing and transformative for our bodies. It helps us process our day’s experiences, prepare for the next, and brings about calmness. 

The Challenge of Sleep: Its Impact on Health and Well-Being

However, many of us have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep.  Whether we have too active of a mind, and have difficulty falling asleep, to waking up early before our desired time, sleep challenges affect about 70% of adults at least one night per month! 

Not getting adequate sleep can contribute to or exacerbate anxiety, depression, or substance use. In addition, many people with trauma histories also report difficulty sleeping.

Sleep challenges are additionally fueled by today’s blurring between work and life responsibilities, and multi-tasking. For example, staying up late to complete work can impact our ability to quiet our mind and prepare for bed. Take charge of your health and wellness today by seeing how you can improve your sleep.

Additional Tips to Get More Sleep:

  1.  Consult with a medical provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
  2.  Stop screen time at least one hour before your desired bedtime.
  3.  Choose a consistent bed and wake time. (Don’t sleep in on days off).
  4.  Avoid taking naps.
  5.  Use your bed only for sleeping.
  6.  Limit caffeine at least 4 hours before bedtime.
  7.  Make sure your environment is conducive to a good night’s sleep by limiting any light or noise that could otherwise be disturbing.
  8. If you wake up early, get out of bed. Try reading, washing the dishes, doing a crossword puzzle or light stretching, however, don’t turn on any electronics.
  9. Write down any thoughts that come to mind if you wake up feeling anxious.
  10. Manage your stress level by engaging in meditation.